Is It Time For An Eye Exam?
When you feel overwhelmed by life’s circumstances, do you close your eyes in fear?
What Distracts You?
The sad truth is that too often I allow myself to get distracted. What about you?
A Strategy That Works
While I have never studied military strategy, I’m pretty certain that neither West Point nor Quantico has a course entitled Military Strategy: Vocal Choir 101.
Detour Ahead
It seems like every time, just as I’m making a little progress in the construction zone of my life, God sends me on a detour.
Why Did The Sure Thing Fall Through?
Ever had a sure thing not turn out the way it was supposed to?
Lessons from the Beach: Part III
The storm threatens to overwhelm us, making it difficult to hear the voice of the One who calms raging storms.
Lessons from the Beach: Part II
The reality is that many of us strive for perfection in our daily lives. We demand it of ourselves.
Lessons from the Beach: Part I
I discovered there are more radiant colors when clouds are present.
Where Are You Looking?
The challenge was to train your eyes to focus on where you wanted to go, not on what you wanted to avoid.
Do You Like Camping?
My idea of camping includes a nice comfortable hotel room and plenty of restaurants within walking distance!
How Desperate Are You?
Have you ever been there? Perhaps you didn’t resort to illegal activity, but what about other “activity” that was just as detrimental to your mental and spiritual well-being?
What’s In Your Hand, Pt. 2
What is it that you are holding onto as your identity or security? Career? Relationship? Title? Money? Possessions?
What’s In Your Hand?
Do you find yourself holding similar items in your hands? Things you would like to let go, but your grip is so tight that you have no idea how to actually release them from your hands?
Did You Inhale?
Oxygen is most vital to our survival. We are unable to live without it after a few short minutes.
Why Is Everything Going Against Me?
Ever experienced a time when everything or everyone seemed to be against you?
Is It Too Late?
God saw Joseph’s desperate situation and acted on his behalf. Joseph’s life was not over for he had a plan and purpose to fulfill.