What Distracts You?

“But Martha was distracted…”  [Luke 10:40]

Distracted driving is one of those behaviors that pushes me over the edge! You know what I’m talking about…driving slowly in the passing lane; sitting forever after the light turns green; weaving across the line; and looking down at electronic devices while driving. Just writing this gets my blood pressure elevated!

The sad truth is that too often I allow myself to get distracted. What about you? I’m not talking about distracted driving, rather allowing myself to be distracted from Jesus. I get too busy or I’m not sure He wants to be bothered with my daily concerns. After all, He has the entire universe to keep in motion. Yes, I can get all too caught up in distractions which keep my eyes off of Jesus.

Martha and Mary, two sisters, have invited Jesus to their house for dinner. When Jesus arrives, Mary goes and sits at Jesus’ feet listening to all He has to say. But Martha? She “was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing.”  As much as I would rather not admit it, I find myself identifying much more with Martha’s behavior than with Mary’s. Oh, I’m trying to get better. But if there is work to be accomplished, rather than “listening,” I will be working every time. What about you?

Yet Jesus lovingly challenges Martha (and us!) by pointing out what is most important and what He desires more than anything: spending time with us.

I guess I have much to learn from Martha and Mary’s story. I don’t want to be so distracted by my phone, the emails, my to-do list, etc. that I miss what Jesus wants to say to me.  He wants our undivided attention when HE is present, and He is present with us ALL the time. How about joining me in focusing on Jesus and putting down the “device” that keeps us from hearing His voice!

What is distracting you from spending time with Jesus?


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