Hand It Over

“But what good is that…?”  —John 6:9 

A hand tool in my possession is a very dangerous thing!  I’m not mechanically inclined at all!  Any tool under my control is basically useless!  When attempting even the smallest repair or assembly, I become exasperated and exclaim about the tool, “But what good is that in my hands anyway!” 

There was a large crowd following Jesus and his disciples questioned Him as to how they were going to feed the 5,000 men, plus women and children (estimated to be more than 20,000 people).  Then one of Jesus’ disciples weakly proclaims that he has identified a young boy with a sack lunch – 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  Quickly, the disciple adds, “But what good is that with this huge crowd?”

Ever felt like that?  I have – countless times.  We know we should help someone, we know we should do something, we know we should act but we feel inadequate, incapable, and insufficient.  Our “little” bit is not going to make a difference.  Exasperated, we announce our excuse to God: “But what good is that?”   

It’s time to shift your focus! HAND OVER YOUR SACK LUNCH!  Give it to God and watch what only He can do.  Watch your measly become a miracle, your little become limitless, your bite-size amount become a buffet, and your finite become infinite!   


Don’t Beat the Donkey!


Take the Step